Sunday, June 14, 2020

How America Tried To Overthrow Cuban President Castro In April 1961 - 1375 Words

How America Tried To Overthrow The Then Cuban President Castro In The Month Of April 1961 (Essay Sample) Content: NameThe Bay of PigsDateThe author Howard Jones gave an outstanding flow of events during the attempted overthrow of the than Cuban president Castro in the month of April 1961 as indicated in his book The Bay of Pigs. Drawing from the declassified CIA documents, Jones deeply look at the trail of the self-deception which led to a war confrontation with the US which trained those who had fled in exile at the bay. Jones accounts for an engagement and a disorder at the White House before exploring the implications thereafter. The failed war attempt had an adverse effect on Kennedy deeply making him more skeptical about how the CIA as well as the US military think tanks were influenced by him in the Cuban missile crisis.In January of 1961, Kennedy took the office as the United States President. During this time his country was in the middle of the Cold War, following the foot's steps of his predecessors, he was an unswerving anti-communist. In his campaign the prior year Ke nnedy criticized the administration of Eisenhower on how it handled the Cuba case. Fidel Castro together with his guerrilla's squad overthrew Fulgencio Batista on the eve of the previous new year. The stage was set for American-Cuban confrontation a year after Castros America knocking and cozy up to the Soviet Union. Howard Jones was able to capture everything.The administration Eisenhower came up with different plans to remove Fidel Castro from Cuba together with his regime. These methods included not recognizing the newly formed Cuban leadership, invasion and assassination. The invasion strategy was left for the CIA and this was done the Cuban exiles as a covert operation. The CIA was responsible for covert operations to meant to overthrow communist friendly revolutions in Laos, Guatemala, and Iran. Kennedy was forced to tag along with the plans to do away with Castro as he seeks continuity, held over the leadership of CIA from his predecessor. The plan saw a task force at CIA being set up to come up with a feasible plan to invade Cuba. The original plan which was named Operation Trinidad, was promising as described by those who were given this task plus its implementation. The design of the operation was to put anti-Castro soldiers trained for this operation in Guatemala close to Escambray Mountains a secret base. The operation also included a large air attack against the air forces of Castro and to eliminate both Fidel and Raul Castro, and Che Guevara. The plan was given a lukewarm endorsement by the Joint Chief of Staff after evaluation.Once the administration of Kennedy inherited the plan led by CIA, the scaling back the ambitious plot started after the President felt concerned about his political future. Kennedy asked, Was it possible to have a quiet, night-time landing that appeared to be indigenous by coming from the mountains? He wanted a plan that would reduce United States involvement and this saw the evolving of the Zapata plan from the Tri nidad operation. People believe in the constitution of the United States as a document that lives, breaths, in that light the new plan was a living battle plan. There was a constant change in the operation throughout its planning stages to the day of execution. The mission, as proposed by Richard Bissell, was to land at The Bat of Pigs a hundred miles north of Trinidad. The location was changed because of the availability of capture two airstrips in this area and it was believed it could satisfy the air attacks covert mission. The major drawback to this location the Bay of Pigs was that the area was swampy. The theory behind this skim was that in the case of a mission failure, then the exiled Cuban brigade which is now known as the 2506 Assault Brigade would be able to access the swamp and set up guerrilla operations. As a new plan started rolling, everything that might have gone went wrong. The plan to insert the trained soldiers was changed to invasion. The soldiers were no t properly trained and had no tactics of guerrilla and new nothing about guerrilla eventuality. The US News featured a story, The Big Buildup to Overthrow Castro. In the report, it was detailed the training exile training of the Cuban. And the invasion dates also were made available to both Soviets and the press, whom immediately reported all the available information to Castro. Now Kennedy was now under political strain to act against Cuba. At the moment if the plot was called off, the Cubans who were training would come back to the US and filled with bitterness and resentment. Kennedy decided to keep insisting on the plausible deniability. According to the book at this moment the President was in a box. He has inherited a terrible situation in Cuba and a plan he suspected would be a solution. However, he never liked the plan, he was in no position to say no to the planned mission. At that point had he canceled the Zapata Plan, then it would have demonstrated a no-confidence vo te against the CIA, as it had planned and did everything to back the idea. Cancellation of the plan to the Cuban-American people who were expecting a resolution would have been a hurting situation, and a damage to him politically and his future electoral in Florida. The people of America would be perceived globally as the paper tiger and bolstered the image of Fidel Castro.According to  HYPERLINK "/search?tbo=ptbm=bksq=inauthor:%22Juan+Carlos+Rodr%C3%ADguez+Cruz%22" Juan Rodriguez, days before the planned execution, the dissident pilots of Cuba attacked the airfield of Castro. This was a move to maintain the covert status, a Cuban Air Force painted plane was directed to Miami and the pilot announced his defection to the news people. Another air strikes were sent on the day of the execution, as planned originally. Before the mission, Kennedy requested a minimization on the planned strikes. Bissell was forced to downgrade the airplanes to eight from sixteen. According to the i nitial reports of the air strikes was a success, however, the assessments that followed showed that Castros Air Forces were still formidable. The blame was directed to the US by the ambassador of Cuba for the bombings. The American Ambassador Adlai Stevenson assured them that the pilots involved were Cuban. When the boats got into the water moving towards the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy was hit by the fiasco of the airplane, he decided to call off the air assault. The action had a disabling effect on the plan of invasion as the Cuba Air Forces started to attacks on the landing at the Bay of Pigs. After the trained soldiers were on land, they only had the ships that brought them there as their only protection. The US Navy was on patrol but they had a restriction to stay fifteen miles from the shore. This restriction gave the Cuban Air Force a chance to destroy the ships at the Bay of Pigs. And when the Navy requested Kennedy to assist the besieged invas...

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